Saturday, August 09, 2008

I scream, you scream, blah blah

I take back all the vitriol I spewed with regards to Turkish ice cream (dondurma). I had one scoop today in a cherry flavour: heaven! Gave Argentinian helados a run for the money, no doubt.

FYI: dondurma is made from goat's milk and has a slightly stickier texture than traditional ice cream. It's almost like mashed up frozen tapioca.


Anonymous said...

Hi jojo - haven't stopped by this blog in a while, but it's great as always.

sorry but, um, I'm actually looking for Jess, in case she reads this. I was gonna see her when she came to Korea, but the whole facebook thing didn't pan out and I lost contact - so you're like, um.. the missing link.

anyhow, my e-mail addy is

-D. Lee

p.s. just keeping this conversational with the brainfarts ('um..') -- thought I'd mention that to explain for you and your posse's language/grammar fetish.

p.p.s. could've sworn I saw 'monkey' modeling for some tech gadget the other day.

Joey said...

yoyo jess is in korea now... she's been there for awhile
