Friday, August 15, 2008

/Begin short update

Arrived in Vienna earlier this afternoon. Beautiful place. Makes me wonder if European cities are just adult fantasylands; they all seem unnaturally pretty. Unfortunately came just in time for the thunderstorms. Had my first real meal in ages (as opposed to the fruit and chips I'd been eating the last couple of days). €2 sammich at the train station; for €2 euro, that thing was awesome--first cheap thing I've encountered in Europe, frankly. Paying through the nose for my hostel. Booking a flight to Toulouse via Paris ASAP so I might enjoy free lodging once more. Planning to be in Prague 18th-22nd; Berlin 22nd-27th; Toulouse thereafter.

/End short update

1 comment:

natis said...

Dude, try the street sausages in the italian bread. Effin' awesome although the metal rod they use to "gut" the bread and the whole act is pretty damn phallic. ;p

You needed to get laid off LAST year when I was in Austria. It is pretty much a year ago this week.

So envious.