Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My mother reads my blog

Hi mom!

So she calls and was all like, "What's with the 'about you' section? How can you list 'food' first? No man will want to date you! And what if you go in for an interview and people find your blog and see that you list 'food' first!? They will think you are unprofessional!"

Uh, yeah, OK.

Oh, and I'm finally going to get glasses again. This time I'll try my darndest not to step on them repeatedly thereby precluding myself from ever wearing them. I think plastic frames; you know, since they're all the rage.

My potential reflection:

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Our typefaces, ourselves

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a bit of a nut with regards to typeface. It's a natural interest for one who enjoys both writing and design. Well, there is that documentary out about "Helvetica" and I was quite happy to learn I was not alone in my font-obsessions. You can learn more about it on the film's website.

Anyway, the Pony sent me an email link today for this article in Slate where authors discuss their favourite fonts. Courier is a clear favourite.

To: Pony
From: Panda
Subject: Re: Slate Article: My Favorite Font

That is super awesome! And yeah that doc looks good. I'd been wanting to see it. Ah, typeface nerds. I'm surprised by all the Courier fans. Myself, I'm currently a devotee to the Courier NEW school of typefaces. What are you using? All this talk of Palatino (which I've never used) is making me curious about it though.

I used to write in Comic Sans--a lot. Sick, I know.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Happy Memorial Day. At last, I've made a new card. Must get back into the etsy swing of things but alas, my camera is on the fritz.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Deep Thoughts: Shopping (right.)

Maw left this morning. I miss her already--despite it having been a most stressful weekend indeed. We (mostly she) did major damage at Macy's, but said damage was comparatively minor when considering that mostly everything was on clearance. Sometimes, department stores really do beat out the boutiques. You'll never (/rarely) see boutiques carrying Marc by MJ at 60% discount + an additional 50% discount. There were also some great shoes, but alas, most of the best only came in the 6 and 6 1/2 sizes. After many lessons, I've now learned that getting shoes that are too small no matter how much I love them is really not the prudent investment. I think they'll stretch out, but they don't--and so they sit there. Waiting.

Also, I had this terrible dream last night that spoke to the inefficiency of publicly run entities and the cruelty of humanity. Yes, it was that epic in scope. Hah



Saturday, May 19, 2007

From the river

More architecture

From the river

The one on the left is one of my favorite buildings in the city. Great reflections, beautiful colour, and interesting shape.