Populated with Ashton Kutchers
Day 32: Currently in Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Tired. Need to siesta. Yes, siesta and I have come to an understanding and mutual appreciation.
The title of this entry refers to the fact that so many dudes in BsAs looked like Ashton Kutcher, in varying degrees. Short Ashton Kutchers, fat Ashton Kutchers, unshaven Ashton Kutchers. This may or may not be a good thing. For me, it's a bad thing. I can't disassociate Ashton Kutcher with the annoyingly idiotic character he played on "That 70s Show" and as such, the whole AK thing does not appeal to me. Hah.
So I left BsAs yesterday and am now in this pleasant seaside town of Puerto Madryn. I have no plans today as I just desperately need to shower and nap. The bus brought me in far too early and my hostel bed is still occupied, leaving me to wait it out at the Locutorio. Sigh.
Frankly, I am very much looking forward to my week here in PM. It will be relaxing and slow. I foresee many afternoons spent on the beach reading. Stendhal's The Red and the Black has proven to be excellent vacation reading.
Then it's back to BsAs on the 9th or 10th to meet Gabe and eat more... you guessed it! STEAK!!! I do miss my salads though. It costs the same (or more) for salads than for steaks. Ridic, huh?
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