Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Travel on Horizon

Day (whatever): Currently in Buenos Aires and heading to Puerto Iguazu tonight by bus. Blah, blah.

But the important news is I´m heading to Asia very, very soon. Here is the schedule:

Return to Chicago February 27.
Stay the weekend.
Head to Toronto March 3.
Stay for a bit.
Head to Vancouver March 13.
Split time between Vancouver and Whistler (hoping snow will be ok, but I hear Whistler has had amazing snow this year)
Head to Taipei March 26.
Spend week there.
Head to Beijing April whatever.
And somewhere a few months later... have a return flight to Chicago.

See ya kids! That means YOU, Yuhwen & Jessica & everyone else in Asia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grrrr. Now I'm getting jealous of your traveling.