Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wien, in brief

Still in Berlin... enjoying myself immensely with the knowledge of the local chow and booze courtesy of Eliot and co. But, again, feel like I need to quickly review before we get too far ahead. This instalment: Wien (aka, Vienna).

Wien's public transpo: very clean and efficient--unlike someee cities we know. Ahem.

All the streets are super cute even if recently rained upon. This is a photo from the tram stop (Line D) on Porzellangasse where I was staying.

So while in Wien, I saw a lot of museums--I mean a LOT. The Leopold Museum, however, was my favourite as it houses the largest Egon Schiele collection in the world. I LOVE Egon Schiele.

(Example of his work. I particularly love his sketches as he does excellent figures from varied perspectives. And also, I--much like Schiele--don't particularly care for drawing hands and feet. Many of his sketches and works will surreptitiously avoid those parts of the body.)

Aside from the Schiele collection, the Leopold and MOMUK museums in MuseumQuartier do an excellent job of tracing the Vienna School of early 20th century art. Good stuff.

View of Wien from Belvedere Palace/art museum. The Belvedere houses the one painting adored by young, femme collegiates the world over: The Kiss. Yeah, I'm not such of fan of it, but seeing it up close I must say: it's spectacular. Just don't ever own a poster of it. Please! I beg you!

Stephansplatz Cathedral in the centre of the city. Gorgeous gothic structure and inspiration for artists the world over. Again, it's not hard to see how artists get their inspirations in Wien.

Panda climbing the Stephanplatz tower.

View of Wien from the top of Stephansplatz Cathedral. Also, notice the gorgeous tiled roof of the cathedral in the foreground.

Schönbrunn Palace. Mind you, this was only a summer home. Ah, to be a Royal.

Lastly... I was really craving Asian food and stopped here not noticing its logo. Yeah, clearly Austria didn't get the memo.

Oh, and there was my Sacher torte photo from earlier... the recipe is still going to get posted, eventually!

Ok and gutenacht!


jimmiwin said...

Schiele...good stuff.

Lowtell said...

is that a vag peeking through in that painting??

Ceedy X. said...

I am totally pissed at Europe right now. I don't care if other have moved on past the squinty eye thing, but yeah, fuck y'alls.

Pragmacat said...

Fabulous photos of yours...though the eye thing was disturbing. did a big long post detailing all of the recent squinty eye offenses. It's one of those things where I just get so mad I can't really speak. "Really guys? It's 2008. Really. Argh."