Blogger v Tumblr
Does Blogger work in the PRChina? (Short answer, no, but is there some proxy I can use to blog?)
Now, does Tumblr work in China?
I´ll have a backup in case. Visit the TUMBLR!
Does Blogger work in the PRChina? (Short answer, no, but is there some proxy I can use to blog?)
Now, does Tumblr work in China?
I´ll have a backup in case. Visit the TUMBLR!
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
3:59 p.m.
Tags: Miscellany
Day (whatever): Currently in Buenos Aires and heading to Puerto Iguazu tonight by bus. Blah, blah.
But the important news is I´m heading to Asia very, very soon. Here is the schedule:
Return to Chicago February 27.
Stay the weekend.
Head to Toronto March 3.
Stay for a bit.
Head to Vancouver March 13.
Split time between Vancouver and Whistler (hoping snow will be ok, but I hear Whistler has had amazing snow this year)
Head to Taipei March 26.
Spend week there.
Head to Beijing April whatever.
And somewhere a few months later... have a return flight to Chicago.
See ya kids! That means YOU, Yuhwen & Jessica & everyone else in Asia.
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
11:13 a.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD
Day 39: Currently in Buenos Aires. Arrived this morning at freaking 5:30am. That's all right because I'm in a freaking awesome 4* Hotel! Thank you Gabe. Thank you Tryp Buenos Aires. Thank you, thank you.
This is my (well, Gabe's) exact room. Uh, can we say YAHOOOOOOOOOO!
So this is my second time playing Julia Roberts a la "Pretty Woman". First time was with Eden when she was staying at the Hotel Colon. Picture: me, bedraggled and smelly arriving at a lovely hotel. Doorman eyes me up and down as he hesitantly opens the door for my nasty self. Concierge stops mid-sentence on the phone. Receptionist's mouth is agape.
"Uh, can we help you?"
"Actuallyyyy, I have a reservation!" Oh snap.
Ok, well it doesn't go quite like that. Everyone is exceedingly friendly. Nasty girl (moi) ends up giving a nice tip. Everyone wins.
Two nights at the Tryp! WOOOOOOOOOHOOO! Let the shampoo and conditioner and shoe-shining kits flow!
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
11:58 a.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD, South America
Day 37: Currently in Puerto Madryn. Was supposed to be on a bus to Bariloche but decided to change my plans (again) at the last moment. Paid a cancellation fee and booked a bus ticket mañana for Buenos Aires again. I decided it was a waste to only give Bariloche 2-3 days. Next time, next time!
Anyway, so Puerto Madryn is a little ocean-side town close to some serious close encounters with natural marine wildlife. It´s quite fantastic, really. Here are some photos. Blah, blah.
Penguin photos taken at Punta Tombo. All others taken on Peninsula Valdez. Missed a trip to Punta Ninfa. It´s like Peninsula Valdez (minus the sea lions), but the added benefit is that you can really get literally next to an elephanat seal. Just be careful. Rent a car for a few days and drive yourself. It´s much better than a timed van-tour. Just be sure the rental agency takes credit card.
I am making this face because that little penguin just took a spurting shit.
Kicking some penguin ass.
More Magellan penguins! Yay!
Penguin ass.
I love penguins.
Eyal and Séverin. Empty beach.
More of the gang on the beach. We were attempting to get realllly close to a flock of flamingos. Unfortunately, we failed miserably. Well, pretty beach nonetheless.
Ah, sigh.
This (what the hell is it called again???) Gua...something was so friendly! Such nice fur! Now I´ve seen all the four animals in that llama family: Llama, alpaca, vicuña, and this gua..ersomething
L-t-R: Paul, Séverin, Jorden, Eyal, mutt. The four of us rented the car that got into a little car accident. We originally thought we´d have to pay $4,000 pesos. Ended up being $200 pesos. PHEW! Seriously... I was about to flip out when the stupid rental agency would not take my visa. I almost strangled Paul for getting us the one damned rental agency that doesn´t take credit card (you know, CCs cover rental damages). Thankfully, it was only $200 pesos at the end of the day.
What happened was this: unpaved road, idiot driver going 120km passed us, pebble went ker-plunk against the windshield, and etc. You get the idea. That was my second time in a police station in South America. Note for Eden: police station in Punta Piramides, Argentina infinitely better than in Tumbes, Peru... for instance: instead of a typewriter that he tapped away at, it was a computer. Same routine. Lots of typing. Not much action. Ultimately, our visit helped nothing. Ha
Cliff. Below cliff, elephant seals being lazy bums.
Hello there Miss Elephant Seal! How are you doing? Enjoying the sun??
Sea lions! Omg, they are adorable (the pups and the womens... the men are only ugly-cute). They were having a frolicking good time. We came up here hoping to view an orca coming onto the beach for some sea lion meats. After speaking to the ranger, it turns out this mostly happens in March and April. The last sighting was February 1 but our day was way too windy and unlucky. I am definitely going to come back in the hopes of viewing an orca-beach attack! Apparently this is the only place in the world where the orcas perform those beach-killings.
The whole gang, including me in the same clothes as always... but with a new bag! Heee.
So anyway, as I had been bragging in previous posts, these guys are fantastic! Séverin and Paul are cousins from Paris who´ve been out here for 10mos. They´re Spanish is good enough to pass for native Argentinians. Hanging out with them gave me a good lesson on both Spanish and good old French which I have woefully been forgetting over the years. They also complimented me on my good French accent. Merci, merci!
Then there are the Israelis, Jorden and Eyal, who are just the sweetest people e-var! They´ll be my hosts in Tel-Aviv one of these days, yessirrreee. Hopefully we can meet up again in Mendoza, but it sounds like they´ll be spending a good month down at the end of the world (tip of South America) trekking (sans guides!). I am very envious; they´ll be seeing some amazing sights few ever get to see.
This leads me to my next topic: next trip down to South America! There is so much to see and do and my short 2 months (which I once thought would be more than enough) has proven to be just an awful pittance! I am planning on coming back next year or the year after for a month JUST for southern Argentina. I think my Pops will enjoy this itinerary too since he´s been raving about going ice-trekking and whatevs.
So yes. That is the plan.
Man, there is just so much to see in the world. It´s a pity we have to spend so much time working our dull jobs. I truly am grateful for this opportunity, but it´s not something that´s so unique to my situation. If you can, I highly recommend doing something like this--but there is no reason you can´t! Just save up a little bit a cash and hit the road! Rewards abound.
Other tip: don´t stay in El Retorno Hostel in Puerto Madryn. It´s soooo dull. That´s all.
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
4:40 p.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD, South America
Friends, friends, I am fine. I haven´t updated because I´ve been crazy busy meeting new people and abusing some penguins and sea lions (SO CUTE!!!!).
Travelling solo has turned from scary burden into wonderful experience. The last few days I´ve been hanging out with some wonderful Israelis and Parisiens. We´ve gone through some ups and downs including a minor car accident (and the huge bill that follows) and some serious awesome wildlife encounters. Ah, such is life! I also have invitations to homes in Paris and Tel Aviv now. Score! Haa.
Tomorrow I head to Bariloche. Again, seriously busy days as I need to pack everything in Bariloche into 2-3 short days! Sigh. There I will hopefully meet up with another Parisien I met here... and together ride off into the mountains atop powerful steeds! Heehee.
Ok Seriously though: I highly, highly recommend travelling solo now! It´s amazing! You meet so many fascinating people! Everyone who´s here has some interesting background--no one is just boring Joe Schmoe who worked in a shoe factory or whatevs.
In fact, I am loving it so much I am considering extending my stay for another month until the END OF MARCH!!!. Haha. We´ll see about that.
Sorry couldn´t post a more substantial update. I have a date with some men from a rental car agency... a date I´d rather miss (sigh, ah well!)
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
6:04 p.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD, South America
Ok, about to have dinner (current time: 9 46PM). I´m getting used to this dinner at 10 30PM lifestyle! For one thing, it´s still sunny outside! Ah, gotta love being near the south pole.
I have had a change of plans (again). I am going to go to Bariloche after all. Details to come.
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
7:45 p.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD, South America
Day 32: Currently in Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Tired. Need to siesta. Yes, siesta and I have come to an understanding and mutual appreciation.
The title of this entry refers to the fact that so many dudes in BsAs looked like Ashton Kutcher, in varying degrees. Short Ashton Kutchers, fat Ashton Kutchers, unshaven Ashton Kutchers. This may or may not be a good thing. For me, it's a bad thing. I can't disassociate Ashton Kutcher with the annoyingly idiotic character he played on "That 70s Show" and as such, the whole AK thing does not appeal to me. Hah.
So I left BsAs yesterday and am now in this pleasant seaside town of Puerto Madryn. I have no plans today as I just desperately need to shower and nap. The bus brought me in far too early and my hostel bed is still occupied, leaving me to wait it out at the Locutorio. Sigh.
Frankly, I am very much looking forward to my week here in PM. It will be relaxing and slow. I foresee many afternoons spent on the beach reading. Stendhal's The Red and the Black has proven to be excellent vacation reading.
Then it's back to BsAs on the 9th or 10th to meet Gabe and eat more... you guessed it! STEAK!!! I do miss my salads though. It costs the same (or more) for salads than for steaks. Ridic, huh?
Posted by Panda Gets Bear at
6:50 a.m.
Tags: Departure from ORD, South America
Leisurely Pursuits
Yunnan is for lovers [of trekking] - Travel Guide to Yunnan, China