Wednesday, July 02, 2008


7am and I'm awake! Doesn't it feel great! I have decided to undertake a home renovation project. My childhood room is saying buh-bye to the ABC wallpaper of yore and hulllo to a pale olive green! It's a great colour for rooms... although, it might not jive with my furniture (an entirely matching set of rose coloured wood furnishings--I was a kid, man... taste was still in its infancy). Perhaps this industrialism will encourage Mother to be proactive about the other much needed home renovation projects. For example, the bathrooms and kitchen here are firmly stuck in an unattractive part of the 80s.

Never you mind the messiness of the room. In fact, the furniture was just rearranged to allow for that delightful little reading nook. In rearranging the furniture, I realised it was time to get dirty and just redo the walls as well. So here we are.


natis said...

Love the windows.

Two things I dislike doing: laundry and painting. I pay for my laundry to be done. Since you have a year free, want to paint my room? ;p

Eric said...

i guess you didn't do the seoul job, huh? email me the details!!

Joey said...

Dislike both those things too, but one can't deny their therapeutic abilities! Folding laundry, for one... and painting walls! I particularly like masking-taping the perimeters. It makes use of the slight OCD-ness that comes out every once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

back in canada! I went back to dongdaemun the next weekend and they had a bunch of new stuff! i'm going again next weekend. totally in love.

Joey said...

anonymous: is that you toadie????
me jealous :( mucho jealous-o.

Anonymous said...

I want to doggie style you on that chair.