Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A day in the life of a lazy traveller

Currently in Wuhan, China--the primary city of central China (pretty much like Chicago in the US except a million times larger). Today I... slept in; got a full body spa treatment and facial; had my nails manicured; ate lots of dumplings; and shopped.

Ah, China. Ain't life grand when you've got American dollars and can divide everything by seven? It used to be grander when you could divide everything by ten.

With that said, China is a whole lot more expensive than it used to be, and I really don't know how a lot of the locals afford it. Short answer: they don't. It's a world of change out here. Sometimes I'm loving it and other times I'm hating it feeling like I'm taking advantage of the disadvantaged...

One thing relating to the environment here: yes, it's true; it's crazy polluted. But god damn, there are over one billion people in this developing nation going through its industrial and technological revolution simultaneously. Of course it's polluted! One thing is damned sure though, nobody here is as wasteful as anyone in the US. Despite how much the West moans over the environment, few put their money where their mouths are. A/cs are still kept high, lawns are still kept unnaturally green, and nobody's really driving in the carpool lane.

Admittedly, a lot of the "conservation" in China is not really conservation but more like total lack. Nonetheless, people here live a relatively simple, energy-efficient lifestyle. Thing is, there are still a billion of em.


Anonymous said...

sweet home wuhan..

Michael said...

yo i still see you blog (the zynser) i wish i knew french so i could figure out how your blog works.