Monday, September 22, 2008

In Toulouse and resting

I'm in Toulouse with family now. My second cousin lives here with her family. Her eight-year old son, Thomas (en francais, Toe-ma), speaks French fluently, can count in English, and is able to to even manage some mandarin, but with a French accent. It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Imagine mandarin with a French accent--seriously, it's hilarious. Also when he speaks, he sounds wise beyond his years if you ignore all the childish giggling.

I've decided that the thing about the French language is that even when a child speaks, they sound indefinably old. Perhaps this is why the French aren't a particularly funny people--even when they're young they sound--and subsequently are--so serious. Of course, this is all purely speculation on my part based on a sample size of one. So uh, yeah.

Life in the south of France is lovely.

Oh, since my last update I did a quick tour through Pisa, Monaco, and Nice before gunning for Toulouse. I meant to visit Aix-en-Provence, but sweet thoughts of kicking back and relaxing in a family home in Toulouse were too strong.

With Steph... it's the Fake David!!! (Florence)

It's the leaning tower! (Pisa)

Blah blah. Ok, so heading to Barcelona for a few days on Thursday. Woohooooo. Tapas, sangria, siestas on the beach here I come!


Eric said...

cut the pretentious bullshit. are you moving to the bay or not?

Susie Eats said...

nice angle on the tower of pisa pic!