America is numero uno
[Hi, hello, apologies. I'm getting lax with the blogging because quite simply blogging here kind got boring now that Facebook is pretty much every possible blogging, photo sharing, video sharing web 2.0 website rolled into one. But, I will try to persevere! Keep on bloggin! Blah, blah, blah.]
Partying with Spaniards is effin' exhausting (perhaps slightly less exhausting than the Argentinians). One night a week is all I can possibly handle, and now I am back in the south of France.
So, back to the subject of this post re: America is numero uno.... while in Barcelona, a group of us went to one of the popular clubs, "Razzmatazz"--well, it was one of the stops of that night's tour. Despite its unquestionably lame name, the place was one of those huge multi-level, multi-room establishments, and it was absolutely bursting at the seams with people looking like they stepped out of an American Apparel advert. And you know what all those multitudes of people were giddily dancing away to? American indie rock, bay-bee. I was feeling quite smug with a healthy dose of American arrogance as I leaned into my Aussie mate and screamed, "Everyone wants to be American," over the roar of the music. He gave me a "whatever" look (but he knows I am right, heh heh).
Anyway, they can make fun of the falling financial markets all they want, but no matter how hard they want to deny America and American culture, it is effin' pervasive.
Aside from partying, there is much to see and do in Barcelona (such as see Jason Schwartzman eat and not do anything about it).
The fountain is magic thanks to me. ("Magic Fountain", Barcelona: choreographed fountain entertainment like the Bellagio, but better)
Steph & I outside the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's famous temple. Also, this is why people bring tripods instead of asking a passerby to snap a photo--chances are the passerby is an idiot and clearly this called for PORTRAIT as opposed to LANDSCAPE framing. Gaw-duh. Incidentally, if you ever see me passing by and want a photo taken, I actually know how to do it properly.
And no trip to Barcelona is complete without overdosing on seafood in the form of fried tapas or paella. "Black rice" paella--rice is black from squid ink! Yummay.