Monday, September 03, 2007

Ugly Furniture

Why is there such an abundance of ugly furniture? Who is buying this stuff? What do their homes look like? I'm surfing on craigslist for some nice vintage finds but all I come across are horrors beyond horrors masquerading as couches. I can't imagine any of that stuff in a home. Although our apartment is fully furnished, it is awash with birch-coloured Ikea stuff; it's pretty sickening. You know how it is: cheapo, vaguely attractive stuff you get because you're not really settled yet. I guess I'm still not settled so perhaps new furniture isn't such a good idea. Nonetheless...

Everything is great about the new apartment except for these vertical blinds on the huge living/dining room windows that make this place reminiscent of some 80s era bungalow out in the burbs.

The offending "window treatments" + Ikea furniture:

Thing is, window treatments are expensive to replace too--and we're just renters!

(There was a really gorgeous, gorgeous Georgian-era style sofa with new patterned white+sage upholstery on CL a few months back. Ah, if only I can find something like that again. It was only $400 or so too!)


Anonymous said...

There are only two kinds of furniture out there. Outrageously expensive furniture and crap.

Joey said...

that's not true! just because you get an imitation Eames chair does not mean it's crap ;p

you elitist snob you

natis said...

check your email. We elitist snobs are needed to counter the rise in the white trash population.